
Promotion of Compliance

Based on its awareness that compliance is a priority issue for all business activities, the Morinaga Group formulated the “Morinaga Code of Conduct/Standards of Conduct” in FY2002/3. In FY2009/3, it was revised to the “Morinaga Group Code of Conduct/Standards of Conduct” to ensure that the Group can share a common compliance management system.
In addition, we established a "Compliance Committee", building and promoting compliance management. In the event of a compliance violation case, we take corrective or disciplinary action, including punishment, in accordance with internal rules and regulations.
There is also a helpline system in place to report compliance violations and seek consultation about issues related to wrongful acts of corruption including bribery and cases related to human rights such as harassment and discrimination. Confidentiality is guaranteed for reports and consultations to the helpline. In addition, people who report and seek consultation will not be at a disadvantage. Reports and consultations can also take place anonymously. We have set up four points of contact for consultation under the helpline -- within the Company’s section, Statutory Auditors, labor union, and an external lawyers -- and we are working to eradicate non-compliant violations including anti-corruption.

Morinaga Group Compliance Management System

Increasing Compliance Awareness

With the aim of embedding a compliance culture into the organization, we display the Morinaga Group Code of Conduct/Standards of Behavior on panels in each office, and distribute booklets and cards to all employees.
In order to increase compliance awareness, we provide compliance training not only as part of training sessions by job class, including those for new recruits and newly appointed managers, but at such locations as the headquarters and individual offices.
As an attempt to prevent corruption, the Morinaga Group Code of Conduct/Standards of Behavior clearly states that we will not engage in bribery, illegal political contributions, or entertainment both in Japan and abroad. We also have a policy in place to prevent bribery and are working to communicate it through in-house notices.
Furthermore, we alert employees on the issue of preventing corruption and bribery in their compliance training.

In addition, every year we conduct a compliance survey for all employees working at domestic group companies to ascertain the status of compliance at the Morinaga Group and utilize the results for future countermeasures.

Compliance Training Sessions

In FY2023, Morinaga Group conducted various compliance training programs at each company and site in addition to training programs by job level such as new employee training.

Compliance Training Sessions

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