・General Meeting of shareholders (held once a year)
・Briefings for institutional investors and analysts (held twice a year)
・Interviews with investors; responding to media interviews (as required)
・Operation of an IR-related section on the company website
Furthermore, in order to promote constructive dialog with our shareholders, the company is implementing the following measures.
(i)Overall dialog with shareholders is supervised by the division chief in charge of IR.
(ii)To enable coordination among the company divisions involved in supporting dialog with shareholders, we have established an IR Committee comprising company directors and managers to decide IR policies. In accordance with these policies, divisions responsible for IR coordinate with other related divisions to ensure smooth dialogue with shareholders.
(iii)As a means of communicating with institutional investors and analysists outside of individual interviews, we conduct briefings for institutional investors and analysists and operate an IR-related section on the company website.
(iv)Opinions we receive through briefings held for institutional investors and analysists are reported to the Board of Directors.
(v)We have implemented and enforce insider trading management rules and confidentiality management rules in order to manage insider information and prevent doubts regarding trading from arising in our dialogue with shareholders.