Strengthening the Business Management Foundation

We will enhance our sustainability as a corporation as well as achieving sustainable growth and enhancing corporate value.

Strengthen the Business Management Foundation
Main challenges included in materiality
  1. Strengthen corporate governance
  2. Globalize management foundation (strengthen base for overseas expansion and respect local cultures, etc.)
  3. Human rights management
  4. Address next-generation food technologies (nextgeneration food services, DX and robotics, etc.)
  5. Increase social trust and reputation through disclosure of ESG information
Main expected opportunities and risks
  • ・Increasing management efficiency and corporate value
  • ・Acquiring trust from countries and regions where we operate
  • ・Increasing ability to promote and implement management strategy
  • ・Improving productivity
  • ・Growing business opportunities from innovation
  • ・Increasing social trust and corporate value
  • ・Declining evaluations from capital markets
  • ・Damage to social trust, brand value and corporate value
Main Actions Ahead of 2030
  1. Build a highly transparent and efficient governance system
  2. Promote globalization of management foundation
  3. Reinforce human rights management
  4. Evolve business operations using DX
  5. Increase ESG information disclosures
Response to SDGs
  • 5.Gender Equality
  • 8.Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • 9.Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  • 10.Reduced Inequalities
  • 12.Responsible Consumption and Production
  • 16.Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Basic Stance

To achieve our Purpose and the 2030 Vision, we will need to enhance our sustainability as a corporation, respond quickly and appropriately to changes in the external environment, and flexibly engage in business operations. The Morinaga Group will steadily work on initiatives for the following five themes through monitoring by the management meeting and ESG Committee.

Action Themes
Achieve highly transparent and efficient governance We will achieve effective corporate governance that is highly transparent and efficient based on Japan's Corporate Governance Code in order to respond appropriately to changes in society as well as achieving sustainable growth and enhancing corporate value
Globalize management foundation We will support the growth of our overseas business by building a foundation for corporate activities based on the unique situation in the countries and regions where we operate.
Establish human rights management We will build a global human rights management system based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in response to rapidly increasing international request for respect of human rights.
Promote business operations using DX We will promote company-wide and cross-functional DX aimed at increasing the Group's productivity, strengthening the management foundation, and creating new business in response to the rapid advancement in digitalization.
Expand disclosures of ESG information We will enhance our disclosure of ESG information in order to obtain appropriate evaluation from the market and in response to the requests for non-financial information disclosure from the capital markets.

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