Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance Basic Policy

The Morinaga Group will enhance its corporate governance with the aim of maximizing corporate value and achieving enduring corporate growth based on the basic policies of improving the health and efficiency of management, ensuring the reliability of its financial position, providing timely and appropriate disclosure of information, complying with laws and regulations, and strengthening the trust and relationships with all stakeholders.

(1) Positioning of Stakeholders
To enable us to fulfill our social responsibility in all areas of our business activities, we are committed to maintaining and further developing strong relationships with all stakeholders, who sustain our company, and achieving coexistence with society and sustainable growth in accordance with corporate principles and the code of conduct.
(2) Management Monitoring Functions
We are committed to building an effective internal control system by strengthening the management monitoring functions of the Board of Directors, appointing outside Directors and Statutory Auditors, requiring attendance by Standing Statutory Auditors at important meetings, and placing the Audit Division under the direct control of the President.
(3) Consistency in Thinking within the Entire Group
While respecting the independence of our subsidiaries, we endeavor to maintain close ties amongst the Group’s member companies.

Corporate Governance System

Management of Corporate Affairs

Morinaga’s “Rules on Decision-Making Criteria” states clear definitions of authority and responsibility for respective decision-making units, including the Board of Directors, Business Execution Meetings, Directors, Executive Officers, and General Managers of individual divisions and departments.

Corporate Governance System

<Board of Directors>

The Board of Directors deliberately makes decisions on statutory matters and the execution of important business based on the business judgment principle and supervises the execution of business. The Board consists of eleven Directors, out of which four are Outside Directors, eight are male, and three are female Directors.

Board of Directors

<Business Execution Meetings>

Business Execution Meetings, which is mainly comprised of Directors,Senior Operating Officer and Standing Statutory Auditors, deliberates and makes decisions on important management themes and other matters for which authority is delegated by the Board of Directors. To ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of deliberations at the Board of Directors and Business Execution Meetings, sufficient prior discussions are made at various committees that serve as advisory bodies for the Boards. These committees include the IR Committee, which is concerned with information disclosure, and the Officer Appointment and Remuneration Advisory Committee, a forum to discuss matters concerning Directors’ personnel and remuneration matters.

<Executive Officer System>

With the aim of increasing the agility to respond to the changing business environment and accelerating the decision-making process, Morinaga has adopted an executive officer system. With this move, the Company delegated authority and responsibility for executing regular business relating to the implementation of strategies to Executive Officers, ensuring efficient management and a clarification of responsibilities for business execution.

Executive Officer System

<Auditing System>

We have four Statutory Auditors, including three Outside Statutory Auditors. One of these three Outside Statutory Auditors is a Standing Statutory Auditor, and three of Statutory Auditors are male and one is female. In accordance with the Guidelines for Auditors, Statutory Auditors audit the Directors’ performance of their duties based on the Rules on Statutory Auditors’ Audit. Standing Statutory Auditors hold regular meetings with the Representative Director and attend Board of Directors, Business Execution Meetings of the Board of Directors and other important gatherings to audit the Directors’ performance of their duties. Audit Division, which is responsible for carrying out internal audit, directly reports to the President. Composed of six members, the Division audits all divisions (including subsidiaries) in a planned manner, and exchanges opinions with the divisions jointly with Standing Statutory Auditors. To ensure close cooperation, opinion exchange sessions are held regularly and as needed basis between all Statutory Auditors and the Accounting Auditor, as well as between Standing Statutory Auditors and the General Manager of the Audit Division. The General Manager of the Audit Division and the Standing Statutory Auditors attend the meetings of the Internal Control Steering Committee, which is composed of members selected from major divisions and departments, and exchange opinions with the Committee members on a regular basis. Furthermore, the Audit Division enhances the effectiveness of internal audits by reporting directly not only to Representative Director, but also to the Board of Directors and the Board of Statutory Auditors, as necessary and appropriate. Morinaga appointed Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC as its accounting auditor.

List of Statutory Auditors

<Explanation of director and statutory auditor skills matrix>

We have created skills matrices for the core skills of each director and statutory auditor, as well as the knowledge, experience, abilities, etc. required of the Board of Directors as a whole in order for us to put our corporate philosophy into practice and achieve the aims of our business plans.

Exective Management

<Executive Appointment Policy>

An overview of the Executive Appointment Policy is as follows.

  1. In order to realize the purpose and vision of the Morinaga Group, Directors and Statutory Auditors of the Company shall be persons with specialties and experience in the necessary fields, taking into consideration diversity such as nationality, gender and age.
  2. Executive Directors shall meet the “Morinaga Group Management Personnel Requirements” (persons who demonstrate basic qualities, popularity, leadership, challenging spirit, foresight and imagination, practical ability, and the utilization of new technologies and new fields), and shall be persons who can contribute to the sustainable growth of the Group.
  3. Outside Directors shall meet the Company’s Independence Standards stipulated separately, and shall be persons who can be expected to provide appropriate opinions and raise questions about the Group’s management issues, etc. from an independent and objective standpoint.
  4. Statutory Auditors shall be persons who can be expected to conduct accurate audits from an objective and neutral perspective utilizing their knowledge and experience regarding the legality and appropriateness of business execution. At least one Statutory Auditor shall have sufficient knowledge of financing and accounting, and Outside Statutory Auditors shall be persons who meet the Company’s Independence Standards.
<Morinaga Group Executive Independence Standards>

The Company shall determine that Outside Directors, Outside Statutory Auditors, and candidates thereof are independent provided that they do not fall under any of the following categories.

  1. A person for whom the Group is a major business partner, or a business executive thereof Specifically, a person, or a corporation to which said person belongs, for whom net sales to the Group in the most recent fiscal year account for 2% or more of the annual consolidated net sales of the Group
  2. A major business partner of the Group, or a business executive thereof Specifically, a person, or a corporation to which said person belongs, to whom net sales by the Group in the most recent fiscal year account for 2% or more of the annual consolidated net sales of the Company
  3. A consultant or accounting or legal professional who receives a large amount of money or other property from the Company other than executive remuneration, or a member of a corporation or organization, etc. that receives such property A large amount of property refers to an amount equal to or more than 2% of the annual consolidated net sales of said corporation, etc. in the most recent fiscal year, or \10 million, whichever is higher.
  4. A person who falls under categories 1. to 3. in the past year
  5. A person who was a business executive of the Company or a subsidiary of the Company at the time of their appointment and for a period of 10 years prior to their appointment
  6. A relative within the second degree of kinship of any person described in 1. to 5. above.
  7. A person who is in conflict with the independence criteria stipulated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange, or a person who may cause a conflict of interest with the shareholders of the Company
  8. A person whose term of office is more than 8 years in total

Main Topics of Discussion at the Board of Directors

In FY2023/3, the Board of Directors discussed the following matters as main topics.

Management strategy and sustainability-related
  • Progress of the business plan
  • Progress in Focus Domains (in and Frozen Desserts) and Basic Domain (Confectionery and Foodstuffs)
  • Status of the U.S. Business
  • Smart factory initiatives
  • Initiatives related to intellectual property strategy and R&D
  • Activities of the ESG Committee and Other Committees
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Board of Directors
  • Conflict of Interest Transactions
  • Holding status of Cross-shareholdings
  • Executive personnel and officer remuneration
  • Group company governance
Compliance and risk management-related
  • Activities of the Compliance Committee
  • Activities of the Total Risk Management Committee
  • Whistleblower system
  • Measures against unauthorized access and the information management system
  • Operation of the internal control system
  • Aceivities of the Compliance Committee and the Total Risk Management Committee
Finance, investment, and loan-related
  • Changes in accounting policies (translation of revenue and expenses of foreign subsidiaries)
  • Execution of financial measures (fundraising, fund management, and shareholder returns)
  • Status of updating of production facilities
  • Status of renewal of systems
  • New Shibaura Building construction plans

Basic Policy on Officer Remuneration and Composition of Officer Remuneration

1. Executive Remuneration Basic Policy

The Company’s Executive Remuneration Basic Policy is as follows.

  1. 1) Contribute to the realization of the purpose and vision of the Morinaga Group.
  2. 2) Promote the realization of medium- to long-term business plans in order to enhance corporate value into the future.
  3. 3) Establish a system and standards that support appropriate risk-taking by Directors and strengthen their motivation to contribute.
  4. 4) Ensure that the system is transparent, fair, and rational for stakeholders, and is determined through an appropriate process to ensure this.
2. Content of Executive Remuneration System
  1. 1) Composition and content of remuneration, etc.
    1. a. Directors
      1. (i) Basic compensation: Consists of two types: fixed remuneration (equivalent to 70%) and performance-based remuneration (equivalent to 30%) and is a fixed amount paid monthly in cash.
        10% of basic compensation is paid as “(ⅲ). Stock compensation (non-monetary remuneration).
      2. (ii) Executive bonuses: Paid in cash in a lump sum in July subject to a resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders
      3. (ⅲ) Stock compensation (non-monetary remuneration): Stock compensation is paid when Directors retire(excluding non-residents of Japan) Details are provided in “5) Content of non-monetary remuneration.”
    2. b. Outside Directors and Statutory Auditors
      In view of the roles of Outside Directors and Statutory Auditors, basic compensation consists of fixed remuneration only and is a fixed amount paid monthly in cash.
  2. 2) Policy on determination of basic compensation
    A standard amount is determined for each job title according to responsibilities. The standard amount is set at a level that ensures market competitiveness and strengthens the motivation of each Director to make a contribution.
  3. 3) Policy on determination of executive bonuses
    Executive bonuses are monetary remuneration according to job title, responsibilities, performance, etc., and their payment is determined following the resolution by the General Meeting of Shareholders.
  4. 4) Matters concerning performance-linked remuneration
    The performance indicators for performance-linked remuneration for the President are “the Group’s consolidated operating income and ROE,” and for Executive Directors other than the President, are as follows: “15% of the 30% performance-linked remuneration included in basic compensation is based on the Group’s consolidated operating income and ROE, and the remaining 15% is based on individuals’ performance evaluations, including contributions to ESG initiatives.”
  5. 5) Content of non-monetary remuneration
    As non-monetary remuneration, Executive Directors are provided stock compensation equivalent to 10% of the amount of basic compensation for the purpose of motivating them to make contributions to an improvement of medium- to long-term performance and corporate value, and sharing profit awareness with shareholders.
    Based on the performance-linked stock compensation plan approved at the 170th General Meeting of Shareholders, Executive Directors receive points equivalent to 10% of their post-performance-linked basic compensation each year, and receive Company shares, etc. through the BIP trust, in proportion to the points accumulated, when they retire.
3. Matters concerning Resolution by the General Meeting of Shareholders about Remuneration for Directors and Statutory Auditors

At the 169th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 29, 2017, the maximum amount of remuneration for Directors was resolved to be 500 million yen per annum (including 40 million yen per annum for Outside Directors and excluding the employee salaries of Directors who concurrently serve as employees). (The number of Directors immediately following the conclusion of the said General Meeting of Shareholders was 11, including two Outside Directors.) In addition, at the 175th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 29, 2023, it was resolved to increase the number of Outside Directors in order to strengthen corporate governance. It was also resolved to increase the maximum amount of remuneration for Outside Directors to 80 million yen per annum in consideration of the expansion in the roles and responsibilities expected of the Outside Directors. (The number of Outside Directors immediately following the conclusion of the said General Meeting of Shareholders was 4)
Moreover, separately from the said monetary remuneration, at the 170th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 28, 2018, the introduction of a performance-linked stock compensation plan using a trust for Directors (excluding Outside Directors and non-residents of Japan) was approved. The maximum amount of cash to be contributed by the Company to the trust for each target period covering three fiscal years was resolved to be \180 million in total, and the maximum number of points to be awarded as stock compensation was resolved to be 15,000 points for one fiscal year. The number of Directors (excluding Outside Directors and non-residents of Japan) at the conclusion of the said General Meeting of Shareholders was 8.
The maximum amount of remuneration for Statutory Auditors was resolved at the 169th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 29, 2017 to be \80 million per annum. The number of Statutory Auditors at the conclusion of the said General Meeting of Shareholders was 4.

4. Policy on Determination of Remuneration for Individual Directors
  1. Summary of the Determination Policy
    1. 1) Amount of remuneration for individual Directors
      1. a. The level of basic compensation is verified by the Officer Appointment and Remuneration Advisory Committee based on the Company’s financial performance, taking into consideration the remuneration level, etc. of peer companies or those of similar size as the Group.
      2. b. The Officer Appointment and Remuneration Advisory Committee determines individual amounts of remuneration after discussing the draft on individual amounts of remuneration, including performance evaluations, prepared by the President, and reports the determination process to the Board of Directors.
    2. 2) Executive bonuses
      1. a. Following consultation with the Board of Directors, the Officer Appointment and Remuneration Advisory Committee deliberates on whether it is appropriate to submit the payment of executive bonuses to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. If deemed appropriate, the Committee recommends it to the Board of Directors together with the proposed payment amount, and the Board of Directors makes a decision.
      2. b. Payment is subject to approval of the total amount by the General Meeting of Shareholders.
5. Matters concerning delegation of authority concerning determination of remuneration for individual Directors

At the meeting of the Board of Directors held on March 23, 2023, it was resolved to delegate to the Officer Appointment and Remuneration Advisory Committee, which consists of all the Company’s Outside Directors and the President, the authority to determine details of remuneration for individual Directors. The reason for the delegation is to ensure objectivity and fairness in determining the amount of remuneration for individual Directors. The Officer Appointment and Remuneration Advisory Committee makes its determination after deliberating the proposal on the amount of remuneration for individual Directors prepared by the President, including performance evaluations, and reports the determination process to the Board of Directors.
Regarding stock compensation, which is non-monetary compensation, its maximum amount is the amount resolved at the General Meeting of Shareholders, separately from monetary remuneration. The Company awards a certain number of points to Directors (excluding Outside Directors and non-residents of Japan) in accordance with the provision of the “Share Delivery Rules” following consultation with the Officer Appointment and Remuneration Advisory Committee and receiving its recommendations.

Structure of Executive Remuneration System

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Board of Directors

(1)Method of analysis and evaluation
In regard to the effectiveness of the Board of Directors as a whole, the Company conducted a survey of all Directors including Outside Directors, and all Statutory Auditors including Outside Statutory Auditors, from February to March this year, as it does each year. The survey covered the composition, operation, and agenda of the Board of Directors, the nomination and remuneration of senior management, risk management, dialogue with shareholders, etc., systems to support the Board of Directors, and issues indicated in previous evaluations of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors conducted an exchange of opinions on the results of the survey, and each Director executed an evaluation. In addition, the results of the survey were analyzed and evaluated by a third-party organization (law firm), in order to provide an expert and objective opinion, and the evaluation of the Board of Directors was discussed and decided at a meeting of the Board of Directors, with reference to this third-party analysis and evaluation.
(2)Result of the evaluation
As a result of analysis and evaluation by a third-party organization (law firm), the Company’s Board of Directors was determined to be functioning effectively in fiscal 2022. Based on this evaluation, the Company recognized that the Board of Directors was effective and functioning effectively in line with the basic views on corporate governance, etc. of the Company.
(3)Initiatives for improvement
Based on the evaluation of the effectiveness of the Board of Directors in fiscal 2022, the Company recognizes that certain improvements have been made with respect to the issues identified in the previous fiscal year's evaluation of the effectiveness of the Board of Directors: (a) the further enhancement of discussions on risk management; and (b) strengthening the functions of the Board of Directors as a monitoring Board.
(4)Initiatives for the future

The Company will place particular emphasis in working on:

  1. (ⅰ) deepening discussions and initiatives on risk management, including at Group companies; and
  2. (ⅱ) further enhancing discussions relating to medium- to long-term management issues, including sustainability and medium-term management plans, as future issues.

Based on this effectiveness evaluation of the Board of Directors, we will further improve the effectiveness of the Board of Directors of the Company, and further strengthen corporate governance, including by taking the necessary initiatives to improve the above issues.

Changes in Our Response to the Corporate Governance Code

Changes in Our Response to the Corporate Governance Code

Internal Controls

The Morinaga Group is committed to maximizing corporate value and achieving an enduring corporate growth by strengthening our internal control system, increasing the management efficiency, operating its business properly, and ensuring effective supervisory and audit practices. To ensure appropriate execution of duties, the Board of Directors endeavors to establish an effective internal control system as well as a system of compliance to legal requirements and internal rules including the Articles of Incorporation, while Statutory Auditors are responsible for auditing the effectiveness and functionality of such systems. In addition, Morinaga and its subsidiaries home and abroad have introduced a helpline to collect a wide range of information about compliance issues take appropriate measures against them.

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