In order to prevent the pollution of air and other resources as well as the destruction of natural environment and ecosystem, we control environmental pollutants and promote their reduction.
In order to promote the reduction of NOx and CO , we have replaced all boilers in our factories with those that use city gas as fuel. We also request our business partners to stop idling their vehicles in our factory premises.We have been promoting reduction of the environmental impact of commercial vehicles.
We have established voluntary standards that govern the management and operation of all wastewater treatment facilities in our factories. We also use a checklist to monitor their performance regularly. Moreover, we implement measures to strengthen both tangible and intangible resources. Measures for the former include the reviewing of the Operation Management Procedures Manual on an as-needed basis and the provision of employee education and training; measures for the latter include equipment maintenance and investments in the renewal or improvement of facilities.
Our factories promote safe and proper management of chemical substances and reduction of their emissions according to the ISO 14001 management system. In particular, we ensure strict management of chemical substances by establishing and abiding by the Chemical Substance Management Manual in accordance with the “Act on Confirmation, etc. of Release Amounts of Specific Chemical Substances in the Environment and Promotion of Improvements to the Management Thereof” (the PRTR Act).