Promotion of CSR Supply Chain Management

Basic Stance

In the supply chain, we will work together with business partners such as raw material suppliers in order to avoid conflicts with human rights, labor, or the environment.

CSR Supply Chain Management: Long-Term Targets

Goal for 2030

Implement for 80% or more of raw materials transaction value*

  1. *Group consolidated.
Progress of Goal for 2030
Targets Results for FY2022/3
FY2031/3 Raw
80% or more 81%
Materials 80% or more 81%
  • Morinaga & Co., Ltd in japan (non-consolidated)

See ”CSR Procurement Survey" below for more details about results for FY2022/3.

In June 2021, we formulated the Morinaga Group Supplier Guideline.
In October 2021, we held a briefing session for raw material suppliers with the participation of 49 companies.

We share this guideline with our business partners and ask them to follow legal compliance, enact governance, promote human rights, and reduce environmental impact. In addition, we regularly monitor their activities through surveys and other means.
Furthermore, information on progress will be published hereafter on our website and by other means.

Strengthening Partnerships with Business Partners

In order to realize food safety and reliability as well as a sustainable society, it is necessary to have a cooperative relationship with business partners based on trust throughout the supply chain, from procurement to production and distribution.
At our annual information exchange meeting with cooperating companies, we exchange information on various themes such as the "Morinaga Group Procurement Policy" (cooperation for procurement activities in the supply chain that are considerate towards society and the environment) and content related to quality assurance. In July 2021, 42 Companies participated. In FY2023, we have been holding dialogues with suppliers to determine the status of their initiatives and promote understanding of the Group’s policies. Also, thorough our Supplier Guideline, we promote our suppliers to strengthen their initiatives by encouraging them to respect for human rights and consider for the working environment and occupational safety and health such as implementing employee health and workplace safety measures, managing appropriate working hours, and provide proper wage payments. We will continue to convey our cooperative stance on sustainability to our business partners and ask them for their understanding and the implementation of initiatives.

CSR Procurement Survey

To better understand the ESG measures of our raw material suppliers, in March 2022, we conducted a CSR procurement survey on the 48 main business partners of Morinaga & Co., Ltd.(Japan).
In FY2022/3, we adopted the CSR/Sustainable Procurement Self-assessment Questionnaire of Global Compact Network Japan, which has a high affinity with our Supplier Guideline, to evaluate the main items of the environment and human rights.
The survey response rate was 100%, with an average score of 85%. Scores for quality and safety were high at 95% or higher together with raw materials, but scores for supply chain and coexistence with local communities were somewhat low. We will hold dialogues with suppliers that had low scores to encourage improvement.
The Morinaga Group will continue building strong, long-term partnerships with suppliers through briefings and surveys based on the procurement policy. Using regular monitoring, we will realize sustainable procurement by continuing activities following the Supplier Guideline.