In order to create better values for society, it is essential to maintain and promote “health of mind and body” among employees and their families and develop a workplace environment for employees to work actively and healthily. To this end, we are promoting initiatives on work-life balance and health management.
We are cutting back on the annual total labor hours and developing a worker-friendly labor environment aimed at striking a balance between work and life. We have introduced systems such as teleworking, flextime, staggered commuting, and personal holiday calendar where employees can set their holidays freely, and are minimizing restrictions based on time, location, and weekdays in creating an environment that is employee-friendly. We have also enabled employees to select working styles where they do not have to relocate, if so desired. We hope to enable work that suits each employee's requirement by family, childcare, nursing care, etc.
In April 2017, Morinaga introduced a telework program that covers approximately 1,000 employees. At the time of the introduction, we made some enhancements to our facilities and institutional arrangements, such as the use of ICTs and the removal of the core time requirements from the flexible work arrangements. In FY2020/3, more than 80% of eligible employees used the telework program, achieving a good balance between work and childcare, as well as a higher efficiency through an effective use of traveling time.
For our group, our employees are important stakeholders and are essential for us to change into a wellness company in 2030.
Considering that our initiatives to maintain and promote “health of mind and body” among employees will lead to revitalization of our organization, such as enhancement of vitality of our employees and productivity, we have strengthened our commitment by establishing the Morinaga Health Declaration in 2018.
While maintaining this declaration as our guideline also in the future, we will strategically work on promotion of health management along with diversity promotion efforts as well as improvement and enhancement of work style reform and engagement. By realizing a workplace environment where employees can work actively and healthily, we will continue to create better value for society, aiming to achieve sustainable growth of our Group.
As a sustainable company that keeps growing, we are committed to promoting the health of each and every employee working for the Morinaga Group, in order to make food that contributes to keep people’s mind and body healthy toward the creation of a sustainable society where everyone can lead happy lives.
Our Health Management Promotion Structure is as shown in the figure below.
The Health Promotion Committee creates philosophy and policies, analyzes issues, sets goals, and plans measures. Under the leadership of the Chief Health Officer (CHO), who reports directly to the President and Representative Director, the Committee will continue to strengthen information sharing and collaborations with occupational health staff and the Morinaga Health Insurance Association, and will promote initiatives to help employees realize rich and fulfilling lives in a cross-sectoral manner.
We have organized our management issues and health indicators based on Guidelines for Administrative Accounting of Investment in Health and Productivity Management.
The employee survey
"Employees find their job meaningful at work and they are in good mental and physical health at work"
Rate of positive responses: 80%
In achieving health management, we believe it is important for each and every employee to be able to work vigorously while realizing job satisfaction and mental and physical health. To that end, we are implementing initiatives regarding (1) health of mind, (2) health of body, and (3) labor environment.
As for (1) health of mind, we are maintaining 90% or more of the rate of our employees undergoing stress checks and implementing various measures based on stress check analysis. We also hold seminars on strengthening stress tolerance and women-specific health issues.
As for (2) health of body, we are working on reducing the total number of annual working hours and are committed to maintaining 100% in the rate of employees undergoing medical examinations. We hold a health forum every year and the theme for FY2021 was "the importance of health checkups". Many employees participated in the seminar online from across the country, and in the post-seminar questionnaire, we received comments saying that they were able to deepen their understanding towards the results of health checkups.
Number of forums held | 29 |
Number of participants | 501 |
Health Forum
We also hold an event called “Habit” every year as part of a company-wide health promotion initiative in collaboration with the Morinaga Health Insurance Association, thus individual employees set health goals suitable for themselves and work on maintaining and improving their health.
As for (3) labor environment, we are working to deter the spread of the infectious disease by ensuring the following infection prevention measures: staggered working hours, utilization of telework, washing and disinfecting hands when arriving at the workplace, and maintaining seating distance from other workers.
In the future, we will also enhance measures for senior workers in order to create a workplace where such workers with rich experience and high skills can play more active roles.
This is a program from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and Nippon Kenko Kaigi intended for recognizing companies, including large enterprises and small to medium-sized enterprises, for their outstanding efforts towards promoting health through their health and productivity management. Morinaga & Co., Ltd. has been selected for six consecutive years since 2018 as a "Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization in the large enterprise category".
In the future, we will continue our efforts to create and maintain a workplace environment that allows employees to actively and enthusiastically demonstrate their maximum capabilities and to proactively support the maintenance and improvement of the physical and mental health of all employees. Under our Vision and Mission, we will focus on the expansion of the health product segment.
Based on the idea that “employees are the source of corporate vitality and the most important management
resource,” the company's labor and management work together to create a safe and comfortable working environment, by, for example, establishing the Health and Safety Committee, carrying out workplace safety and health patrols, providing safe driving training, and holding anti-overtime labor-management meetings.
We are also stepping up our health management efforts in collaboration with the Health Insurance Society, by encouraging employees to have health checkups and follow post-diagnosis health guidance to prevent lifestylerelated diseases.
We are also focusing on the prevention of mental health problems by taking various measures such as the setting up of an external point of consultation and providing employee training sessions.
Furthermore, we have been working to improve occupational health and safety, by ensuring that all employees receive safety education that is reviewed as necessary, while taking safety measures for using company equipment, Illustrating the results of our safety efforts.