We will enhance our sustainability as a corporation as well as achieving sustainable growth and enhancing corporate value.
- Materiality
- Strengthen Governance in Sustainability
- Main challenges included in materiality
- Strengthen corporate governance
- Strengthen Group governance
- Strengthen risk management
- Respect for human rights
- Main expected opportunities and risks
- <opportunities>
- ・Improving corporate value through increased management efficiency and improved evaluations and trust from capital markets
- ・Maximizing synergies across the Group
- ・Maintaining and improving corporate value by reducing risks that become barriers to management
- ・Improving social trust from stakeholders
- ・Improving employee loyalty
- <risks>
- ・Declining evaluations and trust from capital markets due to delayed response
- ・Declining corporate value of the entire Group due to risk exposure at Group companies
- ・Increasing probability of crisis occurrence and increased damage due to delayed response
- ・Declining social trust, brand value, and corporate value due to delayed response
- Main Actions Ahead of 2030
- Build a highly transparent and efficient governance system
- Promote Group governance
- Strengthen risk management
- Reinforce human rights management based on the UN Guiding Principles
- Response to SDGs