Strengthen Governance in Sustainability

We will enhance our sustainability as a corporation as well as achieving sustainable growth and enhancing corporate value.

Strengthen Governance in Sustainability
Main challenges included in materiality
  1. Strengthen corporate governance
  2. Strengthen Group governance
  3. Strengthen risk management
  4. Respect for human rights
Main expected opportunities and risks
  • ・Improving corporate value through increased management efficiency and improved evaluations and trust from capital markets
  • ・Maximizing synergies across the Group
  • ・Maintaining and improving corporate value by reducing risks that become barriers to management
  • ・Improving social trust from stakeholders
  • ・Improving employee loyalty
  • ・Declining evaluations and trust from capital markets due to delayed response
  • ・Declining corporate value of the entire Group due to risk exposure at Group companies
  • ・Increasing probability of crisis occurrence and increased damage due to delayed response
  • ・Declining social trust, brand value, and corporate value due to delayed response
Main Actions Ahead of 2030
  1. Build a highly transparent and efficient governance system
  2. Promote Group governance
  3. Strengthen risk management
  4. Reinforce human rights management based on the UN Guiding Principles
Response to SDGs
  • 5.Gender Equality
  • 8.Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • 9.Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  • 10.Reduced Inequalities
  • 12.Responsible Consumption and Production
  • 16.Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions