Achieve Sustainable Value Chains

Taking actions to address social issues relevant to our businesses across the entire value chain in contributing to a sustainable society.

Achieve Sustainable Value Chains
Main challenges included in materiality
  1. Achieve a higher order of sustainable supply chain management
  2. Reduce food loss and waste
  3. Co-existence and co-prosperity with local communities
Main expected opportunities and risks
  • ・Achieving stable procurement of safe and high-quality raw materials
  • ・Reducing human rights and environmental risks
  • ・Reinforcing social trust and brand value through efforts toward sustainable procurement
  • ・Lowering costs by reducing manufacturing loss and returns
  • ・Obtaining new business opportunities through product development based on preventing food loss and waste
  • ・Increasing social trust from stakeholders
  • ・Growing risks surrounding procurement of raw material due to delayed response
  • ・Declining social trust, brand value, and corporate value due to delayed response
  • ・Declining market competitiveness and social reputation due to delayed response
  • ・Growing operational risks at business sites, etc. due to delayed response
Main Actions Ahead of 2030
  1. Promote sustainable raw materials procurement
  2. Promote CSR supply chain management
  3. Reduce food loss and waste
  4. Co-exist with local communities
Response to SDGs
  • 1.No Poverty
  • 2.Zero hunger
  • 4.Quality Education
  • 6.Clean Water and Sanitation
  • 8.Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • 10.Reduced Inequalities
  • 12.Responsible Consumption and Production
  • 15.Life on Land
  • 16.Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
  • 17.Partnerships for the Goals

Basic Stance

With the intensifying severity of social issues such as climate change, all stakeholders are expected to address these issues in accordance with their own abilities and responsibility. The Morinaga Group is also making efforts to realize “health of environment” which will contribute to the sustainability of society and the environment throughout our entire value chain. In particular, we consider human rights and environmental issues in the production phase of agricultural raw materials, social and environmental issues that arise in the supply chain when procuring raw materials, challenges in stable procurement, and food loss and waste as our top priorities. As such, it is our plan to promote sustainable raw materials procurement, CSR supply chain management, and food loss and waste reduction.

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